WHAT TO WEAR: Please wear/bring comfortable clothing that’s close to the body, nothing baggy (tights/long underwear, long sleeve shirt, and socks). Goal is to have none of your skin touching the garments. Also, for hygiene reasons you will be wearing a washable layer over your clothes. NOTE: The garment will be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe in between treatments.

HYDRATION: Please keep your water intake up the day pre and post treatment.

FOOD INTAKE: I would recommend fasting for at least one hour before and one hour after treatment your time.

READ/LISTEN: You will have some alone time in the Ballancer®Pro while you are in treatment, so feel free to bring something to read or listen to.


INCREASED URINATION/INCREASED BOWEL MOVEMENT: Ideally after your treatment you will see an increase in urination and bowel movements. The goal is to have this to happen as close to your appointment as possible. However, some experience increases for up to 7 days post treatment. This is a really good indication that lymph fluid is moving. The only two ways excess fluid moves out of our bodies is through our kidneys in the way of urination and our bowels through movement of stool.

FATIGUE: You may experience some fatigue or tiredness after your treatment. This is usually a symptom of your body naturally detoxifying and using extra energy to do so. During your recovery, your body is using up extra energy to heal the body.  

ENERGY: Some have more energy after compression therapy, from increase in body circulation.

DETOXIFICATION: Sometimes you may experience sensations associated with detoxification, including symptoms such as headache, chills, body aches and fatigue. This is a common feeling that can occur when you begin to move trapped waste out of your tissues.

CALMING/RELAXING: With compression therapy working with the nervous system, most will feel a sense of calm or relaxation after your treatment.


HYDRATE: It is essential to keep yourself hydrated to encourage transportation of lymphatic debris through its vascular system. Staying hydrated helps support optimal circulation, lymphatic drainage and enhances the overall benefits of our treatments. Compression therapy can be dehydrating, so it’s best to replenish your body with water.

MOVEMENT: It’s a good practise to do some light movement after your treatment to encourage muscle contraction and lymph flow. This will maximize the benefits of your treatment., supporting inner mobility and lymphatic drainage. Nothing strenuous, a brisk 20-minute walk or gentle stretching is ideal. Continue movement throughout your week to encourage the movement of the lymphatic system.

REST/SLEEP: After some light movement make sure you take time to rest. Ensure you get adequate sleep to support your body’s recovery process. Best practise is listening to your body after your treatment.


To maximize the benefits of your treatment, it is helpful to incorporate other practises to keep your lymphatic system moving, you may find increased relief in practises including: DRY BRUSHING, LYMPHATIC SELF-MASSAGE, EPSOM SALT BATHS, CONTRAST THERAPY, and DEEP DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING.