Lymphatic self-massage utilizes the same massage techniques as a practitioner would but allows you to begin healing using your own two hands.
With lymphatic self-massage, your moving lymph fluid through the vessels to mimic muscle contractions and speed up lymph circulation. Massage strokes are gentle, light, slow, rhythmic, and nurturing. The specific strokes of lymphatic self-massage are designed to mimic the waves of automotoricity, the physiological pulse that propels lymph. Your goal is to stretch your skin in a nurturing manner.
Lymph strokes use the palm of your hands as much as possible—or the soft pads of your fingers. This is how you’ll achieve the nurturing and comforting response associated with lymph massage. You want to massage the fluid in one direction: toward the lymph nodes, not in circles. The secret of the lymphatic self-massage is to work your lymph nodes first, then move fluid into them.
In The Book of Lymph, you will learn simple, three-to-five-minute lymphatic self-massage sequences. Lymphatic self-massage is an easy daily tool to add to your lymphatic practice to aid your lymphatic health in-between your Ballancer®Pro compression therapy sessions.
*Text from The Book of Lymph by Lisa Levitt Gainsley